Active Living

Approaches: Walkable & Bikeable Communities, Safe Routes to School, Project Revive.

Get Moving!

Crow Wing County has many resources available:

Click the link to learn more about the trails offered in that area!

Join our Movement Challenge!

We encourage you to take steps (literally) to improve your health by joining one of our Movement Challenges!
In addition to tracking your team’s progress, there will be other fun challenges offered too!

How to Fit a Child Bike Helmet

• Position the helmet to sit low on the child’s forehead with two finger-widths above the eyebrows.

• The child should be able to look upward and see the front rim of the bicycle helmet.

• The left and right side straps form a “Y” and meet right below the ears.

• Allow two fingers space under the chin strap.

• Ask the child to shake from side-to-side and up-and-down (yes or no motion). The helmet should not wobble.